What is CHiPSET

CHiPSET is a Collaboration of Hackers, Innovators, Programmers, Script writers, Entrepreneurs, and Technocrats. We are a non-profit organization with a zeal for making changes in the world by harvesting talents of unique individuals across all domains.

We believe in building the world by building it’s forever recurring addition; a family of inquisitive minds.


Our story so far…
HelloHackers - 6Versions - 950Registrations
AdriotV0.1 - 420 Registrations
Pixomania - 200+Registrations
Collaborated - RedBull , Zoho , Facebook ,
Google Developer Group speaker


Our objective is to create awareness about latest and important technical advancements by collaborating with young innovative minds across disciplines.

We are dedicated to making a change in the technological world by empowering the future leaders and entrepreneurs in their individual goals as well as improving everyone as a community.


We aim at generating innovative ideas and inventions in the field of technology. Advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. We want to create pure magic on the long run. We hope to collaborate with talented minds to synergize our passion and form a long lasting bond.


Discipline – We believe in the quote “Discipline is the difference between good and great”. We build ourselves through self-discipline and strive for perfection.

Diversity - Each and every member of this team is of utmost value and importance. We value quality over quantity.

Development – We offer the conditions for each and every individual to achieve their full potential and break boundaries.